The vision of JUUNI
We explore different art mediums to showcase our story, our characters, and our world. Expansion comes with unlimited possibilities. Through our brand, we aim to bring discoverability for artists and value for collectors.
Art Hub
(Epicenter of artists, collectors, enthusiasts)
We love beautiful art, and we bring together people who share our love. People who love creating, drawing, composing, designing, and collecting. We provide the meeting place and haven for artists, collectors and enthusiasts alike, our Art Hub. We also aim to foster opportunities for future artists under the Studio REM umbrella, with HEX, our professional artist at the forefront. Learn from the very best in art creation as we gather people with the shared goal of elevating art.
The Experience
(Creating beautiful experiences)
Experience is a story product. Creating value by what people want. Utilizing technology, we aim to provide a new form of experience that is immersive and memorable. Ownership in JUUNI will gain access to our JUUNI Ecosystem, starting with our genesis collection.
Studio REM
What we do
We find amazing talent and uplift them by building out collections on the blockchain in their own unique style and direction. We fill in the gap in the market for quality art and provide the technological and logistical services for talented creatives in the space.
Our team
  • Founders:
    • Ice, CEO
      Ice, CEO
      US trained doctor of medicine, avid NFT art collector.
      Drinks everything iced.
    • Tea, CTO
      Tea, CTO
      Silicon Valley, Ex-FAANG developer, full-stack experience in developing NFTs.
      Drinks a lot of tea.
    • HEX, Creative Director & Main Artist
      HEX, Creative Director & Main Artist
      8+ years of experience as an illustrator and concept artist in the Korean game industry, including Wemade Entertainment, NCsoft, and Netmarble. He also works as a commissioned artist in the NFT space.
      Eats mainly omakase.
  • Community:
    • Aethielle, Community Manager & Artist
      Aethielle, Community Manager & Artist
      Artist for e-Sports figures with many years of experience in gaming Discord communities, data analyst, business admin, spreadsheet whiz.
      Likes doodling and gaming, at the same time.
    • Florielle, Community Manager & Data Scientist
      Florielle, Community Manager & Data Scientist
      ex-FAANG data scientist, spreadsheet goddess, and several years of experience running a gaming Discord community.
      Collects plants for indoor garden.
    • Moderators
      Yii, Longsins, Ironclad, Kaizoku, IppoHanma, Kenos, YH, Bryan, luckytr7, Zvi, Levinyang.
      A talented group of web3 enthusiasts with backgrounds as business owners, art directors, software devs, artists, and more.
  • Creatives and Developers:
    • Kksmoothly, Writer and Designer
      Kksmoothly, Writer and Designer
      Associate creative director (UX/UI), Art director, Copywriter, and former Big 4 Consultant.
      Reads lots of books, Drinks lots of coffee. Loves cats.
    • Tue, Artist Relations
      Tue, Artist Relations
      Self-taught digital artist with 5+ years of experience in design.
      Says ah alot.
  • Partnership:
    • Natsuki, Strategy Advisor & Partnership Lead
      Natsuki, Strategy Advisor & Partnership Lead
      Founder and artist of @studioZomi and @TabinekoKIKI.
      Runs around Japan, saving cats.
    • Meiv, Collaboration Manager
      Meiv, Collaboration Manager
      Community managing and moderator experience.
      Has degen sleep schedule.
remi playing music