Yona's theme
composed by Klaüs
What is JUUNI?
A brand built around our handcrafted art collection of unique Zodia characters.
The intersection between art, storytelling, and technology.
We explore different art mediums to showcase our story, our characters, and our world. Expansion comes with unlimited possibilities. We aim to bring discoverability for artists and value for collectors and enthusiasts.
We love beautiful art, and we bring together people who share our love. People who love creating, drawing, composing, designing, and collecting. We provide the meeting place with our dedicated artist group, ARTSI. Learn from the very best in art creation as we gather people with the shared goal of elevating and collecting art.
Experience is the story product. Utilizing blockchain technology, we aim to provide a new form of immersive experience through our JUUNI ecosystem.
4,670 Zodias on a quest to write their own fable.
Quests are part of the JUUNI ecosystem experience. Besides membership access to the community, questing allows holders to gain access to exclusive rewards and additional benefits.
Main Quest Line
For the story goers
This quest line flows with JUUNI’s main storyline, and follows different stages in the Zodias’ adventures. It gives rewards along the way and a larger reward once all stages are complete.
Artist Quests
For the art lovers
Limited-edition quests which grant rewards from specific and curated panel of emerging and professional artists.
Mysterious Quests
For the degens and gamblers
These quests reward stacking entries into our recurring raffle of prizes.
How Quests Work
US trained doctor of medicine, avid digital arts collector.
Drinks everything iced.
Main Artist & Co-Founder
8+ years of experience as an illustrator and concept artist in the Korean game industry, including Wemade Entertainment, NCsoft, and Netmarble.
Eats mainly omakase.
Strategy & Technical Advisor
10+ years Silicon Valley, Ex-FAANG developer, full-stack experience in developing Web3 collections. *FAANG = Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google.
Drinks only tea.
Patrick Dang
Strategy Advisor
Founder of The Parallax Youtube channel and The Parallax Genesis.
Coffee connoisseur.
Community Advisor & Data Scientist
ex-FAANG data scientist, spreadsheet goddess, and grandma of the server.
Loves plants and gardening.
Creatives & Developers
Designer, Artist Relations
Self-taught digital artist with 5+ years of experience in design.
Says ah alot.
Writer and Designer
Associate creative director (UX/UI), Art director, Copywriter, and former Big 4 Consultant.
Reads lots of books, drinks lots of coffee. Loves cats.
Software Developer
6+ years of experience as a software developer. Ex-FAANG developer & competition winner.
Loves to play football.
Supporting Artist
2+ years of experience as a concept and background artist & animator in the Japanese game industry, including Creative Freaks Inc. His recent notable works are animated films Weathering with Youand Suzume no Tojimari.
Loves to draw background art.
Supporting Artist
Artist for eSports figures with many years of experience in gaming Discord communities, data analyst, business admin, spreadsheet whiz.
Loves doodling.
Supporting Artist
Self-taught artist of too many years. Likes character design, drawing 4koma, and gag manga.
Has an unhealthy obsession to very lame puns and bad pick-up lines.
RF Test Engineer by day waifu collector by night. Have a dream of owning the largest derivative art collection of his Azuki, Grace.
If you are an artist, he will be in your DMs.
ARTSI, Media
9+ years of business experience including quality assurance and logistics in the oil and gas industry. Can't read or swim, is lactose untalented, but can bring the vibes.
The Unpingable.
Head Moderator
Data analytics student, sometimes caller, sometimes bagholder. Diabolo enthusiast.
A sucker for coffee and milk.
Collaboration Manager
Part time degen, part time entrepreneur.
Loves controversial food opinions.
Media & Strategy
Former VIP/Banking Consultant turned Junior Dev & Product Manager with 10+ years of experience building online communities & audiences. Loves streaming games, obsessing over coffee, and collecting PFPs that wear glasses.
Has two pets with white fur and an unfortunate number of dark clothes.
Corporate shunning freelance user researcher and designer, doodler, photographer, and collector.
Only drinks the dead leaves of camellia sinensis var sinensis.